

Sharing the latest happenings in the studio and beyond. Deborah writes about new paintings, nature journals, techniques, equipment, supplies, and excursions.


Horses' decorations can be as simple as ribbons and plaiting or as elaborate as ear coverings and medallions. Braiding the mane and tail of a horse is an important part of its decoration, requiring skill and patience on the part of both parties to get it all in place. Braiding styles vary not only from country to country but also among breeds. Sometimes styles are related to function, depending on whether a horse is hitched to a wagon or presented "in hand." This is "Bob," a black Percheron from the Willow Springs Ranch in Monument, Colorado. I have heard his owner admit that he is her "favorite" among all their stable.

“Bob” 24" x 36" oil  ©2000 Deborah Rae Nelson